
Differentiates between psychological disorders and abnormal

Imagine you work for a small clinic that offers counselling. Recently a large number of people have come in wanting to seek treatment for their depression. In order to address their need, you have been asked to create a brochure that explains major depressive disorder and its treatments.

Create a six panel brochure which does the following:

1. Differentiates between "psychological disorders" and "abnormal behavior"

2. Describes the classification to which depression belongs

3. Differentiates this classification from other classifications of psychological disorders

4. Describes major depressive disorder and its symptoms

5. Discusses prevalence rates among groups, e g., by age, gender, profession, etc. each type of therapy

You can can create your brochure in Microsoft Word also be sure to properly cite any resources you use.

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Dissertation: Differentiates between psychological disorders and abnormal
Reference No:- TGS02486585

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