
Differentiate sex gender and sexual orientation


1. Explain the importance of cleavages, corruption and media in the evolution of the Italian party system during the 1990s.

2. Describe the role of the class and religious cleavages in the Greek party system.

3. Summarise the evolution of the Greek welfare state.

4. Explain the role of family structure and the sexual revolution in the dramatic increase of young adults living with their parents in Southern European countries.

5. What is a safety net and what are its goals? What is its relation with the welfare state? Provide examples.

6. Discuss the relation between the development of print-as-commodity, capitalism, and national consciousness according to Benedict Anderson.

7. Why have Catalan nationalist parties endorsed a separatist agenda between 2011 and 2015? What are the reasons behind the popular support backing this movement?

8. What endogenous and exogenous factors do we need to take into account in order to explain citizen's attitudes towards gender equality?

9. Explain the differences between sex, gender, and sexual orientation.

10. Compare the role of religion in Spain and Greece as an endogenous factor in the formation of views on gender equality.

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Other Management: Differentiate sex gender and sexual orientation
Reference No:- TGS01874937

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