
Differentiate foundational leadership principles-theories

Assignment task: The culmination of your program is presented in the form of a Project Final Reflective Paper. In the process of constructing it, it is advisable to review again how the experiences you have had with your mentoring relationship, connected with your courses, have aided your achievement of the program learning goals. There are multitudes of ways to experience, and achieve, the goals:

  • Differentiate foundational leadership principles and theories;
  • Critique models of team-building and group function while improving those skills;
  • Engage ethical questions facing leaders; and
  • Evaluate the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture including emphases on diversity, participative management, human resource needs, and reflective practices.

As you outline content to be included in your Final Project Final Reflection Paper, be sure to first review the rubric. Your work will be evaluated based on the rubric.

Concluding your mentoring relationship this week and in lieu of writing a weekly log, you are asked to reflect on the entire term's experience by writing a Project Final Reflective Paper. Some of the information you have developed in your weekly logs will reappear here. The weekly logs become a data source for you. In your Project Final Reflective Paper minimally address the following issues:

  • What did you hope to achieve?
  • What measures determined to what extent you achieved your goals?
  • Who was your mentor and why was s/he chosen?
  • How were your goals modified as the experience progressed?
  • How did your experiences with and information from your mentor compare or contrast with the scholarly literature or readings throughout your program?
  • What factors affected the success of your executive internship the most?
  • Now that the experience is over, what do you wish you had done differently and why?
  • What are the next three to five leadership development growth steps you want/need to take after this experience?

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Other Management: Differentiate foundational leadership principles-theories
Reference No:- TGS03383243

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