
Differentiate between emotions and moods

Study Guide

1 - What I expect you to know:

1. Describe the manager's functions, roles, and skills.
2. Define organizational behavior (OB).
3. Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB.
4. Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts.

2 - What I expect you to know:

1. Describe the two major forms of workforce diversity.
2. Recognize stereotypes and understand how they function in organizational settings.
3. Intellectual ability and demonstrate its relevance to OB.
4. Contrast intellectual and physical ability.
5. How organizations manage diversity effectively.

3 - What I expect you to know:

1. Contrast the three components of an attitude.
2. Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior.
3. Compare and contrast the major job attitudes.
4. Define job satisfaction and show how we can measure it.
5. Summarize the main causes of job satisfaction.
6. Identify four employee responses to dissatisfaction.

4 - What I expect you to know:

1. Differentiate between emotions and moods.
2. Identify the sources of emotions and moods.
3. Show the impact emotional labor has on employees.
4. Describe affective events theory and its applications.
5. Contrast the evidence for and against the existence of emotional intelligence.

5 - What I expect you to know:

1. The definition of personality, and explain the factors that determine an individual's personality.
2. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework.
3. The Big Five personality model and to identify its components.
4. To know the other personality traits relevant to OB (Core Self-Evaluation, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Self-Monitoring, Risk Taking, Proactive Personality, and Other-orientation) and to identify them from a contextual scenario.
5. The definition of values, and to contrast terminal and instrumental values.
6. To identify Hofstede's five value dimensions of national culture.

6 - What I expect you to know:

1. The definition of perception and identify the factors that influence it.
2. Attribution theory and identify its three determinants (distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency).
3. Identify the shortcuts we use in making judgments about others (Selective Perception, Halo Effect, Contrast Effects, and Stereotyping).
4. The link between perception and decision-making.
5. Apply the rational model of decision-making, to apply it and contrast it with bounded rationality and intuition.
6. To define creativity and identify its components.

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Microeconomics: Differentiate between emotions and moods
Reference No:- TGS01853260

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