
Differentiate between education and training what is the

Today, many people really do not want an education. Instead, what most people want is training. When pollsters ask parents, “Why are you sending your child to college?” the vast majority respond with, “I want my child to get a good job.” That response reflects our culture’s value of utilitarianism.

This saying can sum up that value, “If it’s not practical, it is not useful" and "I don't want to be bothered.” Think about the courses you are required to take in order to graduate. Do you perceive any of them as useless for the major you have chosen? (hypothetical, you do not need to answer these questions)

Additionally, more people today are going to community colleges than ever before. The vast majority of students today are women. While that can be great if you are on the lookout for a girl friend or wife, this is a shift from the traditional college student of the past.

Please answer the questions below based on the information contained in your online lesson, the text and other academic resources found.

Prove that a college education really pays across a person’s lifetime, through citing specific statistics. (Include specific charts and graphs to the discussion and your summary.)

Differentiate between “education” and “training”. What is the purpose of those general education courses?

Why are you attending college? How were you socialized to desire college?

What will the social impact be if the majority of the college graduates are women?

What are the characteristics of a college educated person? What characteristics do you currently possess and which characteristics are you continuing to develop?

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Operation Management: Differentiate between education and training what is the
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