Differentiate between different degrees of representations

Assignment Task:

Background:  In your chapter, the authors discussed different types of art based on the degree of representation (4.4).  Some artists strive for idealization and others work for a realistic depiction of their subjects.  Still other artists use abstraction or non-representational/non-objective styles.  Artists use different types of representation in order to convey certain messages.

Purpose:  Differentiate between the different degrees of representation that artists use to depict objects and figures, and write about the reasons artists choose these different types of representation.  This assignment will encourage you to examine works of art and guide you to apply the concepts and vocabulary in the textbook.


1. Choose two works of art that represent a different degree of representation:  idealization, naturalism, abstraction or non-representational/non-objective.  Identify and include a photograph (a screenshot will do) of the work of art so that other students will know what you are writing about.

You may choose these artworks from one of these pages:

  • Your Definition of Art and Modern and Contemporary Artists page in Unit 1
  • the Discussion 2 drawings and sculpture.pdf Unit 2
  • or the Definitions of Art Definitions and Examples in Unit 2.

Do NOT choose artworks from the chapter text in this unit whose degree of representation has already been explained.  Feel free to use those explanations as models, however.

2. Explain the characteristics that make your first selected work of art an example of its type of representation.

3. Then discuss why the artists may have chosen that approach, and what the artist might have been trying to say.  Base your discussion on the information in the textbook and/or additional research.  Make sure to utilize the Key Terms (words in bold and defined in the Key Terms section at the end of the chapter.

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Reference No:- TGS03420792

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