
Differentiate between acute and chronic pain outline the

Prepare A total of 4 (four) annotated bibliographies regarding Alzheimer's disease/dementia and or families coping with relatives with the disease.

SELECT ONLY PEER REVIEWED NURSING ARTICLES not older than 5 years in APA format.

See example below:-

Casey, G. (2014). Understanding Chronic Pain. New Zealand Journal Of Nursing, 20-24.

The study topic is Chronic Pain

Main Purpose
This journal article seeks to differentiate between acute and chronic pain, outline the consequences of chronic pain, discuss the therapeutic interventions, and to describe the role of analgesic medications in managing the symptoms of chronic pain. .

Description of Research
The design of this article was a meta-analysis (various designs) of current research in chronic pain pathophysiology and treatment The research content of this article centered around current literature and trials on chronic pain treatment. Chronic pain is pain lasting more than six months or past expected recovery times. (Casey, 2014).

Value of Work
The value of this work is in the assimilation of the different modalities available for the management of chronic pain. This article expands upon the different integrated strategies in use by major medical centers at this time. This study finds that an integrated multimodal approach in pain treatment is far superior to a single pharmacological approach.

Any possible shortcomings in this work would stem from its lack of a defining pathway for the treatment of patients. It references many different modes of therapy, and can be confusing to the reader at times.

Summary of Evidence Supporting Research Problem
In conclusion, this was a useful tool in the understanding of chronic pain pathways, yet the article fell short in its lack of a defining pathway for patient treatment.

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English: Differentiate between acute and chronic pain outline the
Reference No:- TGS01730677

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