
Differentiate asd, social communication disorder, and adhd

Assignment Task:

APA citation and references

Respond to at least two of your colleagues' postings in one or more of the following ways:

Address a colleague's analysis and evaluation of the topic(s).

Expand or remark upon a colleague's integration of relevant resources.

Answer question(s) posed by your colleague for further discussion.

Link a colleague's posting to other postings or to course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.

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Differentiating between ASD, social communication disorder, and ADHD is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective intervention, especially in children. While these conditions sometimes overlap in symptoms, particularly in areas like social interaction and communication, they are distinct disorders with different diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5-TR. Social communication disorder is characterized by a primary difficulty with pragmatics, as manifested by deficits in understanding and following social rules of both verbal and nonverbal communication in naturalistic contexts, changing language according to the needs of the listener or situation, and following rules for conversations and storytelling (APA, 2022). Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, including deficits in reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, and skills in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships (APA). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity (APA). Social communication deficits and restricted behaviors characterize ASD, SCD focuses solely on social communication difficulties without repetitive behaviors, and ADHD is marked by inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

Target behaviors

ASD: Target behaviors include difficulty with appropriate or normal communication skills, social interaction, emotional regulation, repetitive behaviors, and adaptive skills. For example, an individual might not respond appropriately to social cues or engage in increased eye contact and hand-flapping.

Social Communication Disorder: Pragmatic language use is a target behavior that involves the inability to adjust language based on the social context or understand and use nonliteral language. Some other target behaviors include difficulty with conversational skills, social understanding, and building relationships.

ADHD: Some target behaviors include inattention, hyperactivity, emotional regulation, impulsivity, and organizational skills. When it comes to inattention, they may frequently lose items necessary for tasks and be easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (Hossain et al., 2020). Hyperactivity can manifest as excessive fidgeting, difficulty remaining seated, and an inability to engage in quiet activities (Gardner-Hoag et al., 2021).

Implications of medication and policy in relation to these diagnoses

Medications are not used to treat ASD but to address co-occurring symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, and irritability. For SCD, medications are not used to treat either but may be used for co-occurring conditions like anxiety and ADHD. Medications in the form of stimulants are used to treat ADHD. Non-stimulant options are used when an individual cannot tolerate stimulants.

There are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations for the workplace for individuals with ADHD, ASD, and SCD. ADA protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment, which allows them to request reasonable accommodations such as flexible work schedules. As far as educational policies, for ASD and SCD, individuals qualify for an IEP under IDEA. For ADHD, an IEP or 504 plan is available under IDEA or ADA. This includes making reasonable accommodations, such as modified teaching strategies and additional support services (Greenway et al., 2023).

SCD funding for speech-language therapy may come through IDEA or private insurance if it is part of a school-based intervention plan. ASD funding usually comes from Medicaid for behavioral therapies if eligible. Schools may receive additional funding under IDEA for ASD-specific support. Medicaid and private insurance should cover ADHD medications and therapy. Schools might not receive direct funding for ADHD-related interventions but are required to provide accommodations under IDEA or Section 504. 


American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR) (5th ed., text rev.).

Gardner-Hoag, J., Novack, M., Parlett-Pelleriti, C., Stevens, E., Dixon, D., & Linstead, E. (2021). Unsupervised machine learning for identifying challenging behavior profiles to explore cluster-based treatment efficacy in children with autism spectrum disorder: retrospective data analysis study. Jmir Medical Informatics, 9(6), e27793.

Greenway, C. W., Robinson, A. H., & King, J. M. (2023). The Effect of Social Devaluation, Labeling, and Familiarity on Children's Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions toward a Peer with Symptoms of ADHD. Psychology in the Schools, 60(11), 4452-4465.

Hossain, M. M., Khan, N., Sultana, A., Ma, P., McKyer, E. L. J., Ahmed, H. U., & Purohit, N. (2020). Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders among people with autism spectrum disorder: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Psychiatry Research, p. 287.


Explain how to differentiate between ASD and social communication disorder and ADHD. Describe the target behaviors for each.

Social Communication disorder is focused on the difficulty someone has with communicating verbally or non-verbally with others according to social norms (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). The individual would have difficulty understanding and understanding different circumstances; you should alter your methods of communicating, such as understanding that you have to explain a concept to a child very differently than you would an adult (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). The disorder is mostly described as an individual inability to follow the social norms expected of us when communicating, such as taking turns when in a conversation or learning to recognize sarcasm and taking words literally (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). ASD is described as an individual who also has problems with communicating. However, they can't always carry out normalities such as eye contact, understanding gestures, or using nonverbal communication(American Psychiatric Association, 2022). ASD individuals tend to complete repetitive patterns in their behaviors, routines, and activities and can have extreme interest in sensory aspects (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Individuals diagnosed with ADHD can create similar characteristics as individuals with ASD. However, the main difference is that those with ADHD do not have repetitive behaviors or unusual interests. Those with ADHD have hyperactivity or excessive motor activity during inappropriate times are very impulsive with their actions, and frequently act before thinking, which can be harmful (American Psychiatric Association, 2022).

Explain the implications of medication and policy in relation to these diagnoses (e.g., activating an IEP, ADA related policies, funding).

While each of these diagnoses has some form of concern regarding communication, each difficulty with communication varies, and the cause of those communication concerns stems from different reasons. This information is helpful because when you are prescribing medication, you need to attack the base concerns that are creating communication difficulties. In an IEP plan, a child with ADHD would need something to keep their hands busy, such as a fidget toy to help them stay busy and also be able to focus long enough to communicate with someone else. An individual with social communication disorder would require someone to be sure to provide them with a more thorough explanation with directions and clarifications as to what their current atmosphere is expressing since they have difficulties understanding how to shift their modes based on the change of emotions or their location and audience shift (American Psychiatric Association, 2022).


American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5-TR) (5th ed., text rev.).

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