1. Introduction and 1 concisely written thesis statement.
2. Describe your chosen role as an APN in your setting.
3. Differentiate among: research, Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and quality improvement.
4. Explain how and why EBP, research and Quality Improvement (QI) are important to your APN role and specifically how these terms are integrated/applied into your practice setting.
5. a. Provide a specific example of how EBP or QI is applied (or not applied) in your setting.
b. Then describe how I know this to be true? Does the facility have a committee to evaluate policies? Is the staff involved, or is this a function of the CNL, Nurse Educator, CNS, NPs, physicians, etc. How does EBP or a QI project get from just a thought/plan to actual implementation in the hospital?
6. Summarize findings of the discussion