
Different types of industrial refrigerators

Frigid Air company produces three different types of industrial refrigerators; A, B and C. The production capacity of the plant is 1000 units per week. Sales department calculates the unit prices for these products as follows, A= $1000, B= $1200, C=$1500.

The manufacturing costs for these products are calculated by the following formulas:

For A= 200A + A2

For B = 250B + B2

For C = 350C + C2

How should the production be allocated in order to maximize profit?

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Algebra: Different types of industrial refrigerators
Reference No:- TGS0545514

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This document is based on the profit maximization which includes a firm producing multiple type of products with variable cost functions. We have used the concept of lagrange function in this. It is fully original work provided on word.

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