Different types of defects in apparel and textiles

Question 1:

All research projects employ focus groups consisting of four (4) basic steps. Illustrate these four (4) steps.

Question 2:

Name all nine (9) different types of defects in Apparel and Textiles and give illustrations of any 5.

Question 3:

A firm sells a product for Rs. 100/= per unit. The firm has fixed costs of Rs. 3500/= and variable cost of Rs.35/= per unit. Capacity per period is 320 units.

a. What is contribution margin per unit?

b. How many units should the firm manufacture and sell to break even?

c. What is the break-even point in terms of sales rupees?

d. What is the Break Even point as a percent of capacity when variable cost rises by 200%?

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Other Subject: Different types of defects in apparel and textiles
Reference No:- TGS09397

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