
Different theories of organisational change

“The different theories of organisational change invite us to pay attention to many facets of the same phenomenon. By doing so, two different theories of organisational change can often provide us different interpretations of any given situation”. Discuss this statement in relation to a concrete case of organisational change. You may either use the case-study provided, or present a case based on your work experience. You are strongly encouraged to do the latter. You will be expected to develop your arguments with appropriate reference to a range of peer- reviewed journal articles, and avoid over-reliance on textbooks.

Note 1: The suggested word limit is 3500 words, and the ultimate maximum word limit is 4000 words. You are required to provide a word count at the end of the text. This excludes references and appendices. If you decide to analyse your own case-study, for the sake of fairness, you are allowed to present a descriptive case-study as an appendix, which is not included in the wordcount.

Note 2: Your work will be assessed in relation to the three criteria detailed in the marking scheme.

Note 3: You are expected to provide an accurate list of references, using the Harvard referencing system.

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Other Subject: Different theories of organisational change
Reference No:- TGS01426540

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