Different strategies for marketing in various stages of plc

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Marketing starts with identification of consumer needs and goes up to the final delivery of goods.  What is the importance of marketing functions performing in this process?

Question 2) What do you mean by marketing segmentation? What are the bases for segmentation of a market?

Question 3) Define PLC. Give examples of products, which are in the “maturity stage” and “Introduction stage”. Does it need different strategies for marketing of products in different stages of PLC? Explain.

Question 4) What is Price? What are the factors responsible for determining the price of a product?

Question 5) It is said that advertising is a waste of scarce resources in a developing Country. Do you agree? Substantiate your agreements with appropriate examples.

Question 6) Channel of distribution is “A path traced in the direct or indirect transfer of title to products, as it moves from a producer to ultimate consumers or industrial users”. Discuss.

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Marketing Management: Different strategies for marketing in various stages of plc
Reference No:- TGS04853

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