
Different roles in the group

Anthropology observation assignment: write this homework in your notebook.For our next class, observe and think about three groups you participate in

a) in a university classroom
b) outside a university classroom
c) at a meal
Observe and record some things about this group (remember not all the things may apply to every group)
o Approximate number of people in the group
o Space or place the group is connected with (may only be for a short time: what is the time range?)
o Any unique material culture
o Different roles in the group
o Some rules or codes of the group which you observe or have learned
o At least one other idea or behavior that these people share
o What is the reason for the formation of this group? (why did they all come together or what is their original connection?)
o Does the group have a name as part of its identity?

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Reference No:- TGS0144839

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