
Different organizational diagnostic models

1) What is your opinion on JESSE'S ANSWER to the Questions below?


Whole Foods Market, Inc., (WFM) is a retailer of natural and organic foods. Founded in Austin, Texas, this grocer is considered a pioneer and leader in the organic and natural products industry. WFM stores sell high quality, healthy and environment friendly products which have organic roots. Their vision emphasizes customer service and healthy living. The company operates 431 stores in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (Whole Foods Market.com, 2015). WFM is building a business in which high standards permeate all aspects of the company. "Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market" (Jurevicius, 2015). Whole foods, whole people, whole planet is company's vision of a sustainable future meaning our children and grandchildren will be living in a world that values human creativity, diversity, and individual choice (Whole Foods Market.com, 2015). Of recent, the company has experienced an inordinate amount of pressure from competitors eager to usurp its market. Factors effecting the company are its environment (internal/external) and resources needed for growth and global expansion.

In my assessment on the eleven different organizational diagnostic models, I found the Nadler and Tushman Congruence model to be the best "fit" for WFM in terms of organization development (OD). The Nadler and Tushman model include such inputs as the environment, resources, history, and organizational strategies. Comprehensively; inputs, throughputs, and outputs are specified within the model (Faletta, 2013). The Nadler and Tushman Congruence model examines the external environment surrounding an organization. Inputs such as resources (internal to the organization), organizational history (traditions), and strategy (goals, objectives and strategic initiatives) are all factors. WFM practices the differentiation strategy where it sets itself apart from the competition i.e. organic and natural products. Differentiation involves making your products or services different from and more attractive than those of your competitors (Mind Tools, n.d.). There is alignment with WFM in terms of its environment, resources, and tradition in regards to differentiation the company practices. The Nadler-Tushman model will aid to maximize the congruence or fit between the associated factors.

For WFM to continue its success and slow its competition, all components of the organization e.g. people, task, technology and structure must fit well together to function effectively. There must be congruence or fit among all components in order to bring about a successful change (Nadler,Tushman,Nadler, 1997). This is consistent with open systems theory whereby organizations are open social systems within a larger environment (Ryerson University, n.d.). WFM will need to strategically assess its market position in order to posture itself for long term survival as the company face considerable challenges in its external environment.


Falletta, S., V., (2013). Organizational diagnostic models, and integrative review and synthesis, Organizational Intelligence Institute, Retrieved on November 2, 2015 from


Jurevicius, O., (2013). Mission statement of Whole Foods, Strategic Management Insight, Retrieved on November 3, 2015, from


Nadler, D., Tushman, M., & Nadler, M. B. (1997). Competing by design; the power of organizational architecture, Oxford University Press, Retrieved on November 1, 2015 from


Organizations as systems, (n.d.). Ryerson University, Retrieved on Nov 1, 2015 from


Our core values, (2015). Whole Foods Market.com, Retrieved on November 3, 2015 from


Porter's generic strategies, choosing your route to success (n.d.). Mind Tools, Retrieved on November 2, 2015 from


Descriptions of Organizational Diagnostic Models

The 12 models selected for this review are presented in the chronological order in which they first appeared in the literature. The models reviewed in this section include:

1. Lewin's Force Field Analysis (1951)

2. Leavitt's Model (1965)

3. Likert's System Analysis (1967)

4. Weisbord's Six-Box Model (1976)

5. Nadler and Tushman's Congruence Model for Organization Analysis (1977)

6. McKinsey 7S Framework (1980)

7. Galbrath's STAR Model (1982)

8. Tichy's Technical Political Cultural (TPC) Framework (1983)

9. Nelson and Burns' High-Performance Programming (1984)

10. Harrison's Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior Model (1987)

11. Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance & Change (1992)

12. Falletta's Organizational Intelligence Model (2008)


Now that you've considered the background and the strengths and weaknesses of these models, which of them do you believe would be best suited to an OD analysis of your chosen Fortune "Best 100" organization? While you do not need to cover every characteristic of your chosen model, please be very thorough and specific in your discussion and reasoning.

2) What is your opinion on MARCUS'S ANSWER to the Questions above?


The model that I have chosen for this model discussion is the congruence model, developed by Columbia University professors David Nadler and Michael Tushman. The Fortune "Best 100" company that I will discuss is the Chesapeake Energy Corporation. This model would be beneficial for the company as it provides a conceptional framework for analyzing organizational issues and developing procedures for corrective action. Chesapeake Energy is currently facing problems with the commodity price environment and this has placed a burden on the entire industry. The congruence model views organizations as interacting components that fit well with one another. The four main components are tasks, individuals, formal and informal processes. When there is a breakdown or when one of the components does not fit well with the process, this model will be able to assist in placing the greatest emphasis between the inputs and outputs. This can be helpful as this company has taken some steps to improve their financial positioning. Lastly the congruence model will enable the company to adjust to the recent layoffs that had a huge impact to the industry and the local area of Oklahoma City.

Retrieved from https://fortune.com/2015/09/29/chesapeake-energy-job-cuts/

Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-congruence-model-36161.html

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