
Different methods of data collection

Question1) Answer all the questions.

(i) What do you understand by research hypothesis?

(ii) Differentiate between a rating scale and ranking scale.

(iii) Write down difference between primary and secondary data for research.

(iv) What do you mean by observation method of data collection?

(v) What is meant by sample design?

Question2) Briefly explain different types of research designs?

Question3) Briefly describe the different methods of data collection?

Question4) Bring out the significant features of report writing in research.

Question5) Answer all the questions.

(i) What is sampling in research?

(ii) Differentiate between parametric and non-parametric test?

(iii) Write down the difference between questionnaire name and schedule?

(iv) How is a research hypothesis formulated?

(v) Distinguish between bibliography and references.

Question6) Write a short note on the use of computer software for data analysis.

Question7) What factors are normally considered while deciding the size of a representative sample?

Question8) Briefly explain the essentials of writing a good research report.

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Other Management: Different methods of data collection
Reference No:- TGS04014

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