Question 1:
(a) Illustrate the term Public Enterprises.
(b) What are some of the inherent constraints allocated with public enterprises?
(c) Why there is a need to control these enterprises?
(d) How are these controls exercised?
Question 2:
(a) What are the main responsibilities of Government in the economic development of a country?
(b) What are some of the emerging issues influencing the role of Government?
Question 3:
“The Public Service has always been associated with bureaucracy.”
Critically analyze this statement with emphasis on bureaucratic organisation, its structure, characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.
Question 4:
Show clearly how the absence of code of ethic in organisation might have an unfavourable impact on its performance.
Question 5:
(a) Define the term privatisation.
(b) List all the different kinds of privatisation.
(c) What are the major objectives of privatisation for Mauritian Economy?
(b) What are the constraints associated with privatisation programme?