Different countries have different approaches to labour

Assessment 1: Group Presentation

Different countries have different approaches to labour management relations. You need to undertake research on the labour relations system and practices in any two countries found in two different continents. Compare and contrast the approach, reasons for the approach, types of industrial system and practices including the strength and weaknesses of their labour management relations approach in these countries. What lessons did you learn from this research?

Group 1 Continent: Europe and Scandinavia, North America, Canada

Group 2 Continent: Africa, Asia, Australia, South and Central America

Once you have decided on the continents, proceed to identify and select one country (excluding Singapore) from each of the two continents.

Each presentation must be supported by power-point slides and properly cited with references on the slide itself. The last page of the power-point slide must show contains a list of references using APA format. Hand a copy of the presentation slides to the lecturer before the start of your presentation with a cover page.

Use presentation software (PowerPoint) to guide your presentation Groups may use hand-outs, if desired

Assessment 2: Individual Assignment

Based on the context of Singapore, provide an analytical report on the importance of the 4 key players in enhancing effective labour management relation. Provide examples on how the aforementioned contribute to the competitive advantage of the nation.

1. Introduction of labour management relations (LMR)
2. Analysis on roles of 4 key players of LMR
3. Analysis on competitive advantage to Singapore through LMR
4. Conclusions

Note: if you are unsure on writing an essay, or how to reference ensure you attend one of the presentation given by the Kaplan Singapore Writing Lab. Also, you may wish to have the written quality of your assignment reviewed prior to submission by a senior academic which you may book via your LMS. Both services are free and confidential.

You are required to consult and correctly reference a MINIMUM of 10 different sources of information

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HR Management: Different countries have different approaches to labour
Reference No:- TGS01269040

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