
Different communities create different realities because

1.A world exists independent of our experience of it.
A. Metaphysical Constructivism.
B. Empiricism. C. Scientific realism.
D. Logical Positivism.

2.The existence of a reality independent of our experience is impossible to determine.
A. Logical Positivism.
B. Scientific Realism.
C. Empiricism.
D. Metaphysical Constructivism

3.Reality is created by our explanations of it.
A. Empiricism.
B. Scientific Realism.
C. Logical Positivism.
D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

B. Scientific Realism.
C. Metaphysical Constructivism.
D. Logical Positivism.

5.Different communities create different realities because they apply different ways of seeing and understanding to their experiences.
A. Empiricism.
B. Logical Positivism.
C. Scientific Realism.
D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

6.Because science provides increasingly effective explanations of the world, it describes the world as it really is and not as just the world as we experience it.
A. Empiricism. B. Scientific Realism. C. Logical Positivism. D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

7.The goal of science is to describe the world as it really exists.

A. Empiricism. B. Logical Positivism. C. Metaphysical Constructivism. D. Scientific Realism.

8.The goal of science is to produce theories that adequately describe the world that we observe, regardless of whether or not they describe an ultimate reality.

A. Logical Positivism. B. Scientific Realism. C. Empiricism. D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

9.Because multiple, theoretically diverse investigations have provided the same picture of the world, the existence of a world independent of our explanations has been confirmed.

A. Empiricism. B. Scientific Realism. C Empiricism. D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

10..Attempts to apply scientific concepts to a time and place other than those in which they were developed are meaningless, as the social context in which they were created do not exist outside of those circumstances.

A. Logical Positivism. B. Scientific Realism. C. Empiricism.D. Metaphysical Constructivism.

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English: Different communities create different realities because
Reference No:- TGS02525455

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