Answer the follwoing questions.
Question 1) What is called effective communication?
Question 2) What do you understand by downward communication in an organization?
Question 3) Write a detail note on style of communication in formal situation
Question 4) What is the purpose of conducting extempore session?
Question 5) Write down the way of disagreeing with someone in group discussion
Question 6) How does proper pronunciation help effective communication?
Question 7) How does ‘listening’ influence speaking ability?
Question 8) Write down a few etiquettes that one should follow in an HR interview
Question 9) Write down a few barriers to communication
Question 10) How do non-verbal cues effect communication?
Question 11) Write in detail various communication strategies adopted in various situations
Question 12) Describe elaborately different communication dimension existing in organizations.
Question 13) How does voice and accent training strengthen communication channel in an organization?
Question 14) Describe the modus operand of the process of group discussion
Question 15) Describe the importance of computer based listening skill
Question 16) Prepare appropriate questions for HR round of an interview.