Differences on architectural ideas and their different


The scope of this assignment is to familiarize students with identify (CLO4), analyzing (CLO6) and interpreting (CLO7) formal elements, design principles and meanings in existing spaces. To achieve these learning outcomes, students will work on a number of famous 20th century architects belonging to different architectural paradigms in order to investigate and identify differences on architectural ideas and their different interpretations in design principles and design elements.

In order to assure the above-presented outcomes, this assignment will be organized in two parts:

1. First Part

The first part has as objective to understand the differences between the conceptual and formal design approaches developed during three relatively recent periods - paradigms: The Modern Movement period 1920- 1970, the Post-Modern era 1970 - 2000 and the contemporary avant-garde architecture (2000- ).

Students have to work on three different architects-designers (one from each period) which will be defined for each student by the instructor, and present for each one the following:

A. A short biographical reference about the architect in max 250 words describing his/her work, ideas and achievements. This text will be accompanied with the images of four of the most outstanding creations, (buildings or interiors) he/she has designed.

B. From each one of the three architect-designer, students will select one creation between the four they have recorded (in total three buildings or interiors to be selected), and will research, discover and present (CLO8) for each one of them:
i. Information about the main concept(s) and ideas which guided the design of the building or interior. (CLO7).
ii. The main principles which interpreted the above concepts and ideas into forms.
iii. The main design elements used to manifest the principles into spatial forms. (CLO4, CLO6)

3. A comparison of ideas, principles and elements between the three analyzed cases with conclusions, remarks about the three different periods - design paradigms. (CLO1)

2. Second Part

For the second part, students, having as a basis the ideas, principles and elements of the architects and creations they studied, will elaborate a new abstract 3D compositions (CLO7) with max. dimensions 20x20x20 cm, presenting their own interpretation (CLO1) of the relationship between ideas, principles and elements of one of the three creations they have studied.


Part 1
Each student has to work on three architects as it presented in the attached list (see annex 1). In the first column appear architects-designers pioneers of the modern movement (1915-1970), in the second pioneers of the period of 1970-2000 and in the third column those who in the period after 2000 considered as part of the Avant Garde of architectural and interior design practices and experimentations.

The students will work to present, in power point information about the selected three Architects from each one of the three periods appearing in the provided list. The presentation will have the following format:

Architect-designer 1

Slide 1.
- Biography (max 250 words) describing his/her work, ideas and achievements.
- Images of four of the most outstanding creations he/she has designed with short information (max 100 words) about the location the year and the identity of the creation.
Students will select one between the four buildings they presented in the slide 1 and will present:

Slide 2
- The main concept(s) and ideas which guided the design of the building or interior, with sketches, photos, drawings and text.

Slide 3 and 4
- The main design principles they can detect from the building they have selected which interpreted the concept(s) and ideas into forms.

- Slide 5
- The main design elements used to manifest the design principles into spatial forms.

Part 2

Once the previous part of the assignment is completed, students will create an abstract 3D composition (max 20X20X20 cm) which will be a synthesis of principles and elements detected and analyzed from one of the three creations they have investigated.

1. Understand how ideas, concepts and meanings are manifested in design creations. (CLO4)
2. Interpret abstract ideas in forms through design principles and elements. (CLO7)

An abstract 3D composition which will be a synthesis of principles and elements detected and analyzed in one of the three creations investigated in the part 1.

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Dissertation: Differences on architectural ideas and their different
Reference No:- TGS02564445

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