1. Chidambaram and Tung (2005):
a. Please comment on the experimental setting of the study? What were the differences in treatment between collocated and dispersed groups?
b. Please comment on the measures of group outcomes (i.e. quality of the final decision and group cohesiveness).
c. Why did the authors choose PLS to test hypotheses?
2. Kankanhalli, Tan, and Wei (2005):
a. Please comment on the research models shown in figures of Kankanhalli, Tan, and Wei (2005). Do these models involve moderating variables?
b. What did you learn about reliability and validity tests from this study?
c. Why did the authors conduct regression analyses in two steps?
d. Why did the authors conduct additional analyses using the control variables?
Pages/Word count 4 pages
1. Is Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Empirical Study of Social Loafing in Technology-Supported Groups
By Laku Chidambaram
2. Contributing Knowledge to Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Empirical Investigation
By Atreyi Kankanhalli