
Differences in perception of sexual harassment on the job

Complete the mcq:

Q1. Do motivation levels between Japanese and American managers differ? A randomly selected group of each were administered the Sarnoff Survey of Attitudes Toward Life (SSATL), which measures motivation for upward mobility. The SSATL scores are summarized below:

Judging from the way the data were collected, which experimental design was employed?

1) None of the above
2) Independent samples design
3) Randomized block design
4) Matched pairs design

Q2. The newspaper recently ran an article indicating differences in perception of sexual harassment on the job between men and women. The article claimed that women perceived the problem to be much more prevalent than did the men. One question asked of both men and women was "Do you think sexual harassment is a major problem in the American workplace?" 24% of the men and 62% of the women responded "Yes." What hypothesis should the newspaper test in order to show that its claim is true?

1) H0: pm - pw = 0 vs. Ha: pm - pw = 0
2) H0: pm - pw = 0 vs. Ha: pm - pw < 0
3) H0: pm - pw = 0 vs. Ha: pm - pw ≠ 0
4) H0: pm - pw = 0 vs. Ha: pm - pw > 0

Q3. A researcher wants to determine if gender differences exist in the area of domestic violence. The researcher surveyed 1000 men and 1000 women and asked each if they felt that domestic violence was a major concern in today's society. Two hundred fifty of the men and 400 of the women responded by saying they did feel domestic violence was a major concern. What criterion is used to assess whether the Central Limit Theorem can be applied to this problem?

1) The samples are independently selected.
2) Both intervals, ± 3 do not contain 0 or 1.
3) Both sample sizes are at least 30.
4) The population proportions are equal.

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Basic Statistics: Differences in perception of sexual harassment on the job
Reference No:- TGS01926356

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