
Differences between parole and probation

Discuss below in a 150 words for each statement.

1. You make a great point about the benefits of parole and parole hearings. They can be an excellent way to help determine if an inmate has been rehabilitated enough to be able to reenter society. Our prisons are overrun with so many inmates, and so parole is a fantastic way to help relieve the tension on the prison system as well as to allow society to benefit from a more productive and healthy member. However, consider this obstacle as well, many employment locations in society are slow to hire convicts who are on parole, especially if they have been sentenced with a felony. While this is certainly understandable, it can also make life for that convict extremely difficult, especially if they have little to no support system and no way to pay their parole fees and other requirements that help to keep them out of prison. What would you suggest as a way of helping to bring the employment system and convicts together to help avoid these issues? What might the state do to help?

2. I actually based one of my papers for a previous class on the trial and events surrounding the OJ Simpson case. It was absolutely fascinating what his defense was able to accomplish in getting him cleared of the state charges. However, the county in which the crime was committed also pulled him into court and subsequently convicted and sentenced him on their own terms. The dichotomy of county versus state courts is interesting, and is something that anyone who commits a crime should be wary of. I thought that this video was interesting as well, in that it brought to light that the court wanted to know and bring attention to all parts of his background with them so that all pieces could be taken into consideration about what type of person they may be allowing to roam free in the general public. Class, what are your thoughts?

3. This week pod cast is entitled correctional alternatives which will have an emphasis on probation and parole. Here we will see that there was always an correctional alternative to imprisonment. Criminal justice objectives are the very high expenditures associated with the correctional alternatives. At both the state and federal level there is always a choice for alternatives. In this pod cast we will distinguish the difference between probation and parole. Sometime you can be put on probation, when you have been to court for a crime or offense against you. Parole is what you are granted for good behavior or when you have served most of your time and the parole board is considering of releasing you early. Both probation and parole must conduct a PSI, which involves a complete investigation of home, school, work, and family. Also, you must report to your parole/probation officer as authorized to.

4. You bring to light the important differences between parole and probation. Many people get the two things confused, or will treat probation as though it is not just as important as parole is. I have seen this many times just with people in my own community. That being said, do you feel that probation is a more effective sentence for pettier crimes? Or should all criminals have to serve some form of jail time to compensate for the crimes that they have committed? Obviously funding is a consideration either way, so what would you propose, if probation was to be done away with, that the state do about this issue?

5. The moral and character of such people as John Augustus is admirable. It takes a lot of courage to put your neck out for someone that you know has the potential of reoffending and thus tarnishing your name and word. I believe this is part of why some probation officers seem to be more harsh towards their offenders than others do. There is a level of trust that must be reached. However, such things as halfway houses and group homes can be a wonderful community tool to help offenders get back on their feet and learn to have some measure of accountability for their actions as well as to help others who are in the same predicament. Class, what are your thoughts?

6. What are the advantages of putting someone on probation rather than sentencing them to incarceration?

7. During this video, two probation/parole officers from Washington, DC, explain the differences between probation and parole, and talk about what they do. After you view this video, please discuss what you learned from it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFg3342DHDA

8. This link is for a recidivism study completed by the PEW Charitable Trusts. The study found that 43.3% of released prisoners are back in prison within three years after their release. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/reports/0001/01/01/state-of-recidivism

What are some factors that contribute to recidivism? What are some actual and possible solutions to the problem of high recidivism? Besides the ideas mentioned in the report, what are some initiatives and programs you think would help to reduce recidivism? Why do you believe these would be effective?

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HR Management: Differences between parole and probation
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