
Differences between hurricanes and tornadoes

1. What are the differences between hurricanes and tornadoes? Similarities?

2. Discuss where each storm system occurs, why they occur there, and when (time of year/day, etc.) they occur. Be sure to include frequency aspects in your answer.

3. Detail what types of damage are produced (and how) by each storm system?

4. Discuss the classification scales for each storm system.

5. List the 5 worst hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones relative to loss of life (for the globe).

6. List the 5 worst hurricanes, relative to loss of life, in U.S. history.

7. List the 5 worst hurricanes, relative to damage, for the globe.

8. List the 5 worst hurricanes, relative to damage, in U.S. history.

9. List the 5 worst tornado outbreaks relative to loss of life.

10. List the 5 worst tornado outbreaks relative to damage.

11. Is it fair to compare damage amounts relative to storms that struck decades ago versus those today? What types of biases exist even when the damage amounts are "adjusted" to today's monetary values?

12. All things considered, which storm would you rather be threatened by? Why?

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Reference No:- TGS0526584

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