Problem: As we seek to contrast evil between the textbook and the learning area, it is evident that our learning area introduces a new context about evil. The learning area suggests the differences between human evil and natural evil. Natural evil consists of natural disasters such as destruction by earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, or other uncontrolled disasters that can cause great suffering amongst the people in our world, and it introduces and refers to human evil as a globalization issue where economic behaviors are lax and cause a burden on economic growth in our world as a whole. Our textbook discusses evil in a laxer way by defining theories in which cultural issues and other situations are linked to victimization. Our textbook states, "A pathetic or weak cultural base can lead to structural violence, or the acting out of an individual or group incorporated into formal legal and economic exchanges" (Meadows, 2019). This allows us to understand that some acts of violence derive from inequality across cultures that cause conflict and violence amongst the people in each cultural dynamic.