
Differences between http and https

Q1. What do you mean by JavaScript? Illustrate the properties of the JavaScript? Make a JavaScript based web page to call a function on the button click.

Q2. What do you mean by DNS? How does DNS work? How web server is associated with DNS?

Q3. What do you mean by HTTPS? How does the HTTPS works? Illustrate the differences between HTTP and HTTPS?

Q4. How is a web server distinct from a proxy server?

Q5. Explain Virtual Private Network.

Q6. What are pros and cons of the applet? Make an applet program to pass a value to an applet.

Q7. What do you mean by the term socket? Explain different kinds of sockets. What are the applications of the socket programming?

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Computer Engineering: Differences between http and https
Reference No:- TGS010425

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