Differences Between Cheques And Other Bills of Exchange
However the following are some of such the differences between like cheques and such other bills of exchange: like;
(a) A cheque is drawn on a drawee acknowledge as "banker" and such cannot be drawn on various other drawee there. a bill of exchange that is not a cheque such can be drawn on anybody, although an individual, although a firm or a body corporate like group.
(b) A cheque is payable such on demand and that cannot be paid upon a fixed or whenever determinable future time also. Further a bill of exchange such is not a cheque that can be drawn payable upon a fixed or whenever determinable future time also.
(c) It is payable on demand, such a cheque cannot legally be admired through the drawee: like Bank of Baroda v Punjab National Bank there. Further a bill of exchange other than a cheque such can be accepted it is not drawn payable on that demand since is payable upon a fixed or determinable future time there.
(d) Moreover a cheque can be crossed whenever other bills of exchange such are not legally crossed however so.