
Differences between canadian banks and credit unions

Discuss the below:

Part A: Integrated Marketing Communications Outline

1.Choose a promotional campaign for a product or service that you have noticed within the last three months and use it as an example to help you describe and develop at least four components of a promotional mix (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, etc.) for your own business idea. Be sure to focus on the integrated marketing communications (IMC) concepts when building the outline for your business's promotional campaign

Part B: Start-Up Budget

1. Use the "Start-Up Budget" template provided or the one at Idea Café to determine the start-up costs for your business. ?If you wish, you may choose an alternative to that template provided here.

2. Write a paragraph outlining where you will get your start-up capital.

Part C: One-Year Budget-Cash Flow

1.Use the "One-Year Cash flow Template" or the one provided by Canada Business Services for Entrepreneurs to determine a budget for your first year in business. Include your start-up expenses, your monthly expenses, your start-up capital, and your projected monthly income.

2.Justify the numbers you have chosen in your projections (i.e., how did you arrive at $3,000 in sales, for example, for your first month in business?).

3. Determine whether or not you will be profitable at the end of your first year in business.

Part D: Money and More (Financial Institutions and Securities)

1.What are the basic characteristics and functions of money?

2. What are the main differences between Canadian banks and credit unions?

3. Identify and give examples of five different types of securities available to Canadian investors.

4. How has technology changed the way Canadians bank and invest? How might this affect your business?

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Other Subject: Differences between canadian banks and credit unions
Reference No:- TGS01870201

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