
Differences between a project and process

Task: Compose an essay using at least three references for the following:

Question 1: Contrast the differences between a project and a process

Question 2: Explain why project management is often used to train future senior executives

Question 3: Discuss at least two detriments to project success

Question 4: Describe"escalation of commitment" and where it fits in the lore of organizational culture

Case scenario:

One of the key differences between a project and a process is the fact that a project is a planned series of activities that leads to the completion of a specific outcome for the organization. The methodology that is utilized as well as the project itself is a unique manifestation of the project selection process as well as the project execution methodology that has been developed by the project manager(s), and repeated following this process would only lead to the completion of the exact same project as before. In essence, this essentially means that a specific type of project is unique and is only completed once, whereas any alteration or changing of the process or changing the overall project that is to be accomplished, would lead to a totally different project. In a nutshell, a particular unique project process cannot be repeated in order to achieve a different outcome. A process differs from this due to the fact that a process is a series of actions or activities that are completed continuously within an organization, and can be repeated as many times as needed or necessary for the organization to achieve its outcomes. Processes are not utilized to complete a given project, due to the fact that projects are usually much more expeditious in their completion, and are temporary in nature. This is due to the fact that once the project is complete there is a termination of project related activities. A process is a more stable or permanent standard operational procedure of an organization that an organization utilizes on a day-to-day basis, although these processes can be altered or upgraded as circumstances dictate.

I think that project management is often used to train future senior executives, largely due to the fact that project management teaches these individuals a variety of leadership and management skills that can be utilized in their capacity as senior executives. This is due to the fact that project management requires that the project manager be able to effectively plan the execution methodology that will be utilized in the completion of the project. This helps to ensure that future senior executives gain experience in effective planning at the project management level, that can be applied to the planning activities that they will engage in as senior decision-makers within organizations. Furthermore, if future senior executives cannot effectively plan a project in an efficient manner, this would indicate that they would not be ready for senior executive positions in the near future. Project management is also utilized to train future senior executives, due to the fact that it helps to develop their organizational skills. The ability to effectively organize the individuals on a project management team is absolutely essential to the successful completion of the project. It is also important that a detailed and organized sequence of project component completion schedule is developed as well. This will help the future senior executives to understand how to organize or departmentalize an organization on a larger scale. Project management also requires that the project manager be able to control processes and procedures, personnel, and material resources, on a continuous basis during the completion of the project. This teaches future senior executives how to control a myriad of processes and procedures simultaneously, in their future leadership duties as senior executives of an organization. Project management is also used to train future senior executives, due to the fact that it requires them to learn their methodologies by which to inspire and motivate subordinates. This is crucial knowledge for senior executives who must be able to motivate subordinates to achieve desired objectives.

I think that one detriment to project success is having an inadequate project manager. This is due to the fact that the leader or project manager serves as the bulwark or foundation of project success or failure, and inadequate leadership will lead to inadequate planning, and therefore result in an inadequate execution methodology which would invariably lead to the failure of the project. Another detriment to project success is a high level of conflict between project team members. This is due to the fact that a high level of conflict between project team members will reduce the ability of them to coordinate their activities effectively, and therefore lead to the disintegration of team cohesion, which will result in a reduction in the probability of project success.

Escalation of commitment describes a situation where individuals take actions that are irrational, and/or make decisions that are irrational in order to somehow justify past actions. This fits into the lore of organizational culture due to the fact that many organizations have a tenacious culture of succeeding at all costs, which may lead organizational leaders to continue to fund an obviously failing project based upon the premise that so much money has been invested in that project, that they might as well continue to fund that project in the irrational attempt to gain future success.

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Other Management: Differences between a project and process
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