Difference between Selling and Marketing
The term selling refers to an activity in any business enterprises. It is concerned with the transfer of the title of the goods and properties, and of associated services from the seller to the buyer against money consideration. The primary concern is profit and this profit objective is realized through the activity of selling. This term encompasses all routine functions and efforts necessary for passing on the finished goods to the buyers without being concerned with the consumer needs and preferences.
Basis of difference
Marketing is a new approach
Selling is a classical word.
It includes the entire process of discovery and satisfaction of consumer needs.
It includes only the physical distribution of goods and services.
Marketing includes the performance of many allied activities also.
Selling is limited only to the physical distribution.
Product orientation Vs. Customer orientation
Marketing is a customer
The aim of marketing is to satisfy the consumer needs.
Selling is a product oriented
The aim of sale is to earn the maximum profit
The aim of marketing is to satisfy the customer needs.
The aim of sale is to earn the maximum profit.
Approach to profit
It stresses upon maximization of profits through maximum social satisfaction.
It stresses upon
Maximization of profit through maximum of sales.
Marketing has long term objectives with certain
Selling is a routine activity with short term objectives
Views business
Views should be offered as a product is determined by the buyer.
Views business as a good producing process.
Product determination
What should be offered as a product is determined by the buyer.
The seller determines what product is to be offered.
The emphasis is on an integrated approach; through an integrated strategy covering product, promotion, pricing, and distribution.
The emphasis is on an somehow selling there is no coordination among the different functions of the total marketing task.