
Difference between organizations that operate primarily

There is a major difference between organizations that operate primarily from a production orientation (concept) vs. those that operate primarily from a marketing orientation (concept). Henry Ford is famously rumored to have said "You don't need to ask customers what they want. If you did, they'd just say they want a faster horse." Another Ford quote includes, "Customers can have any color Model T they want, so long as it is black." He knew he had little competition back then, therefore he didn't need marketing research and could concentrate on lowering his own production costs via a production concept. Today, of course, the auto industry is highly competitive and as a result has evolved to a marketing concept.

"Question" 1.Provide an example of a company or industry that, in your opinion, has also evolved from one orientation to the other. Or , provide separate examples of companies that seem to represent each of these opposing orientations. Explain why you believe this to be true. It has to be 150 WORDS PLEASE.

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Operation Management: Difference between organizations that operate primarily
Reference No:- TGS02514227

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