
Difference between national security-criminal intelligence


Each answer must be at least 2 pages in length, double-spaced, using Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12 point font. One inch margins all the way around.

Q1. Describe the structure of terrorist cells after World War II. Also, discuss factors responsible for changes in terrorism at the end of the Cold War. Do those factors exist today? How do these factors impact the homeland security enterprise (HSE) today?

Q2. Explain the origins and evolution of long-term separatists, and ethnic and nationalistic terrorism. Also provide group names and their respective parts of the world.

Q3. Explain why domestic terrorism is difficult to define. What steps have law enforcement and the department of homeland security (DHS) taken to understand and combat domestic terrorism?

Q4. Describe the intelligence process. What is the difference between national security and criminal intelligence? How does this difference relate to the efforts of those who combat terrorism and violent extremism?

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Other Subject: Difference between national security-criminal intelligence
Reference No:- TGS01971362

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