
Difference between christian leadership-spiritual formation



For this assignment students are asked to compile an exploratory references list with resources that address the broad relationship between Christian leadership and spiritual formation. Do not request any alteration of the scope of the assignment. It is to be purposely limited to this particular relationship and no others. An exploratory references list represents a student's initial foray into the literature on a particular topic.

This is notan annotated bibliography that requires a brief description of the resource. All I want for this assignment is a list of resources following current required citation and formatting expectations for the Ed.D. in Christian Leadership degree program.


The references list should contain 10 book references that address the relationship in some way, 10 journal articles that represent refereed journals or peer reviewed journals, and 5 online resources of any type (blog, video, pamphlet, brochure, etc.). Do not just list the website addresses. Include the title of the article or blog in addition to its internet location. Please demarcate and identify each category of reference with its own level one centered heading like this:

Book References

Journal References

Online References

The list of references should comply with the most current edition of APA Style Manual. The submission should be free of typos and errors of syntax, grammar, and spelling. Edit your work carefully before submission. Consult the current style guide for the Ed.D. in Christian Leadership program and any School of Divinity provided writing guides.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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History: Difference between christian leadership-spiritual formation
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