
Difference between a point mutation and a frameshift one

Assignment Task: For this assignment, you are going to make 3 insertion mutations, 3 deletions and 3 substitutions in a strand of DNA and analyze how they affect the protein that is made. Start by transcribing and translating the original strand. Record the sequence of amino acids in a data chart (you can use the 3-letter short forms), include a screenshot of the protein that formed and briefly describe it in terms of its size, shape, and polarity. Next, click on 'Edit DNA' and add one base of your choosing to the strand. Copy your new strand into your data chart, highlighting which base you added. Transcribe and translate this new strand. Record the new sequence of amino acids, provide a screenshot of the protein, and describe its structure in comparison to the original one. Repeat this for 2 different insertion mutations and then all again by deleting 3 different nucleotides and then again by substituting 3 different ones. After completing the 'experiment' summarizes your learning by answering the following questions:

1. Explain the difference between a point mutation and a frameshift one. Of the 3 types of mutations you made in the experiment, how would you classify each one?

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Other Subject: Difference between a point mutation and a frameshift one
Reference No:- TGS03371306

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