Difference between a fundamentalist vs an extremist


1. Fundamentalism is something that is found in most religions. Sometimes instead of calling themselves fundamentalist they will call themselves orthodox. What does this all boil down to? Well it is a strict observance of all their religious laws and commandments. You find fundamentalist Catholics, Jews, Methodist, Christians, Buddhists, and so on. Islam though gets a bad rap when people start calling them fundamentalist because they often lump those people in with extremists or terrorist. So the question is posed to you:

What is the difference between a fundamentalist vs. an extremist/terrorist?

2. After doing some research, your post should explain the relationship between corporate lobbyists and Congress. The impact of this relationship on public policy is well-documented. Lobbyists who are well-connected and represent corporations who provide campaign contributions and other perks (both legal and illegal, i.e. Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramhoff) to members of Congress, strongly influnence the laws coming from Capitol Hill.

While Congress is supposed to be representing the interests of American citizens, it is ever increasingly representing the interests of the wealthy. In your post, please include a discussion of an area of policy that is of special interest to you, and trace the improper relationship between the interest group and members of Congress, and how it impacts this particular area of policy. You may select any topic that you find interesting. Some ideas are: the environment, stem cell research, immigration, etc. Below are a few links that may be helpful in understanding the type of analysis you should be doing in your post.

Attachment:- Congress and Corporate Lobbyists.rar

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Other Subject: Difference between a fundamentalist vs an extremist
Reference No:- TGS01949638

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