
Did you use at least 10 reputable sources blogs are not

"The Millennials Project"

There are so many interesting things happening every day regarding marketing/advertising to Millennials. Your assignment includes a written portion (4-5 pages double spaced) and a corresponding presentation (no more than 5 slides/5 minutes). As I've been telling you all semester, the net result of a well-researched and beautifully written paper will allow you to "talk the talk" in job interviews and make you impossible to resist as a job candidate.

Using reputable sources such as Mashable.com, wsj.com, forbes.com, Business Week, eMarketer, Advertising Age, etc. your job is to:

1) Describe the impact of digital/social media/mobile marketing on marketing/advertising to Millennials. But, let's not forget that Millennials DO still watch television, listen to the radio, and read magazines.

2) Present relevant secondary data/statistics to back up your findings.

3) Give brief examples of how companies are using unique strategies/tactics to communicate with Millennials.

Your grade for the paper will be based on the following:

1) Writing skills: Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and overall readability will be examined carefully. Please make sure to use either MLA or APA style manual, which describes everything from how you cite others' work, to where page numbers should be placed.

2) Did you follow directions? Did you include all of the sections explained above?

3) Did you use at LEAST 10 reputable sources? Blogs are not considered a reputable source, nor is Wikipedia. 

4) Did you tell an interesting, creative, coherent "story" that you will be proud to present to your professor and fellow students?

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History: Did you use at least 10 reputable sources blogs are not
Reference No:- TGS02289934

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