
Did you observe fine-motor deficits


Neuropsychological Testing - Clock Drawing Test

Select 5 people of any age available and willing to participate in your first attempt at administering neuropsychological assessments. Administer the "Clock Drawing Test". It is easiest to observe behavior if this test is administered one to one. Here are your directions:
Materials Needed:

5 pieces of white paper, 1 pencil.

Directions to Test Subjects:

I want you to draw a circle. Then place numbers in the circle to form a clock face. Try to place the hands at ten after eleven.

Analyze your 5 drawings and discuss the following information:


1. Did you discover the presence of Spatial Neglect?

2. Did you notice age differences in your drawings?

3. Did you observe fine-motor deficits? Could this be related to age or health issues?

4. Were there number reversals? Could this be related to age or health issues?

5. Did you learning anything new or unusual during this exercise?

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Did you observe fine-motor deficits
Reference No:- TGS01890182

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