You are expected to interview someone who had been to another country/iesin a business trip or as a tourist, or an international student/person who came to this country. You may interview a "Westerner" who did not travel but had interactions with "foreigners" in his/her Western country. Your interview will focus on the social and business interactions that your interviewee engaged in. After providing information about your participant and a rational for choosing him/her, you can ask questions similar,but not necessary limited, to the following:
1- When were you in that country?
2- How did you find your social/ business interaction similar/different from what you are used to.
3- Can you relate the most shocking or strange incident(s) that you witnessed or been part of?
4- Did you have any orientation (including personal research) about the customs and traditions of that country?
5- How did your learning of the culture of the country affect your experiences?
6- Did you notice that the religion, attitudes, and beliefs of the people affected their interactions or the way they conduct business? How?
7- What things would you do differently if you are to relive your experience doing businessin that country?
8- What advice would you give to a foreigner going in a trip to that particular country?