
Did you feel you were closer to being a chameleon?


Are you a chameleon?

In chapter 11, Bevan reports on the value of being a chameleon, where you can change your communication style to suit the scenario. This requires being highly aware and mindful of yourself, others, and the choices you make. :

Put yourself in a challenging position in your personal or professional life. If you are at work, speak up at a meeting or talk to your co-worker or boss about the topic. If you at home, have a difficult conversation with someone you care about.

Before you have the conversation, think about the cultural norms for this exchange. What are they? Are you following or violating those norms?

As you have the conversation, be mindful of where you are emotionally, and where they are. Report on those emotions and the role of empathy and emotional intelligence in the exchange.

How did it go? Did you feel you were closer to being a "chameleon?"

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English: Did you feel you were closer to being a chameleon?
Reference No:- TGS03341224

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