
Did you experience stronger feelings at the sight and sound

Critical Thinking

Read "The Operator," an article published in the New Yorker magazine February 4, 2013. The question the article asks is whether Dr. Oz, described in the piece as "the most trusted doctor in America," is doing more harm than good.

Your task is to read the article carefully and critically. Pay careful attention to its language and to the ways it presents information about Dr. Oz-to the selection of details it includes (and the way(s) it includes those details).

Apply what you have learned in the course thus far. Of particular help should be the work from Hayakawa's Language in Thought and Action, especially his distinction between "reports, inferences, and judgments."

Also of value will be the work you did for the Lesson, Resources, Forum, and Assignment on "Denotation and Connotation."

Examine the assumptions and the evidence used to support the author (Michael Specter's) point of view-his perspective on Dr. Oz, a perspective you will have to determine yourself.

Support your view with evidence from the text of the article, including brief quotations.

Length: 900 words

Exercise 1

What do you feel and think of when you hear the following words:

Mother: Selfless, love, caring, tolerate all the pain for their children.

Magnesium: Chemical ingredient used as a medicine.

Mountain music: Outdoor Adventure.

Mercy killing: I feel sad but at the same time relief of pain.

Metatarsals: Reminds me about the anatomy class

Mystery: Being a detective to find out the actual story.

Misery: Feeling pain and depression

Money: power, security

Master: Very skillful person

Mistress:  women having an extramarital relationship.

Did you experience stronger feelings at the sight and sound of some of these words rather than others?  Which ones elicited from you the strongest responses?  Why?

I do have the stronger feelings about the word Money. It is just a paper and it can buy you many things. For better life we all try to earn money. But when you will have money you will see, in most cases your happiness went away.

Exercise 2

Identify the denotation (dictionary meaning) and the connotation (the personal associations) you have for each of the following:

Vacation: an extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling-It reminds me to go to Bangladesh during summer vacation.

School: An institution for education. It was the golden moments of my life.

Home: A place where we live. To me it is a peaceful place where I feel comfortable rather than any other place.

Hydrogen sulfate: Chemical component. It reminds me the action and reaction between in chemistry class.

Quadratic equation: An equation of the second degree; specifically an equation. To me it's all about logic. Once you know the equation the math is very easy.

Electromagnetic field: It is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects.

It reminds me about physics class, positive and negative charge.

Baseball field: A field where baseball is played. Diamond shape field

Silk: a fine, strong, soft, lustrous fiber produced by silkworms in making cocoons and collected to make thread and fabric. A woman wear a cloth made of silk

Prunes: a plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation. It is too dry for me.

Eagle: A large bird. To me it represents the sense of courage and wisdom. 

Exercise 3

Identify whether the following words carry primarily positive or negative connotations for you. Compare your responses with those of other classmates. Explain any differences you might find.

1.   adventurous         Positive              reckless             Negative

2.   average                Negative              outstanding        Positive

3.   average                Negative              mediocre            Negative

4.   stubborn               Negative             firm                     Positive

5.   shy                        Positive              reserved             Positive

6.   sensitive                Negative            touchy                Negative

7.   playboy                 Negative             eligible bachelor Positive

7.   athlete                   Positive              jock                     Positive

8.   clever                    Positive              conniving            Negative

10. clever                    Positive              intelligent            Positive

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