
Did they express the core project concept clearly and

Demonstrating Project Need and Feasibility For a Project of Antiquity{Worksheet}

Instructions: This worksheet is designed to help you decide whether the chosen project team addressed their fiduciary responsibilities and obtained enough information to prove to you that the project you researched was needed and was feasible.

Research your chosen project of antiquity and ask yourself each of these questions. Check Yes for those questions that were addressed adequately. If you check No, conduct the corrective actions in italics.


Was the project goal defined clearly, in terms that the sponsor can understand? If not, how could the goal have been redefined?

Is the sponsor financially and organizationally able to provide all needed resources? If not, who was the real sponsor and could they get the real sponsor involved?

Did they express the core project concept clearly and succinctly? If not, redefine the core project description for them.

Was some form of project scope and risk analysis or needs analysis conducted to show a bona fide need for the product (deliverables) of the project? If not, should project have been abandoned or an appropriate analysis that proves project need be provided?

Did they clearly express the costs and benefits of the project? If not, restate the description of costs and benefits in terms appropriate to the situation.

Did they consult all project stakeholders to obtain their opinions about the need, scope, risk and feasibility? If not, identify missing stakeholders and explain how they could have addressed this requirement.

Did they define the project scope, risk and strategy in enough detail to enable the sponsor(s) to really understand what they're getting into? If not, restate the project scope, risk and strategy in a way that can be understood.

Are the results of the research assembled into a well-written document and/or presentation? Ensure all APA and writing requirements are met.

This assignment is in two parts.

Part 1: Trending in Project Management .

Read the following article before writing your response: Castellano, S. (2011). Top 10 project management trends for 2011. T+D, 65(3), 23. The project management practitioners at ESI propose ten trends for the near future in project management. Discuss how these trends may influence or affect you in your career over the next 5 years?

Part 2: Project Need and Feasibility Focus Paper Using the Demonstrating Project Need and Feasibility for a Project of Annuity worksheet, select a well-known project from the past (Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Chunnel, Golden Gate Bridge, etc.) and determine if the project should have been initiated based on the principles outlined in your worksheet.

Submit your assessment in the form of a focus paper of your findings.

The objective of this Assignment is an analysis of your selected project with recommended courses of action to a problems or issues you found, and to present the recommended courses of action.

Your focus paper should include the following components of a business proposal and in compliance with APA format:


? Cover page (please see sample Assignment)

? Table of contents

? Executive summary

? Body of the proposal (use Headings to organize).

? Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk and strategy was defined clearly.

? Conclusion stated as a recommendation for implementation of your recommended solutions or improvements.

? Reference page and any other data suitable for this section of the report (this includes your completed worksheet to be pasted in the document after the references).

? A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA format using a minimum of six intext citations.

? The paper should be focused and to the point and containing between 700 and 900 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion. Checklist for Assignment

? Assess the core project concept

? Determine the costs and benefits of the project

? Assess if the project scope, risk and strategy is defined clearly

? Evaluate the quality of research associated with presentation materials.

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Operation Management: Did they express the core project concept clearly and
Reference No:- TGS02546607

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