Please respond to the following prompts, as well as to a response/reaction post of at least one other student. Each of your posts must be a minimum of one paragraph in length and follow the guidelines listed in the Discussion Board rubric in the syllabus. Creative and original thinking are always appreciated, as is going outside of the required reading to find information pertaining to your posts. The intent of the discussion board prompt/post exercise is to stimulate critical thinking and intellectual discourse.
1. Did the U.S. make the correct decision in going to war against Spain? Or was it an unnecessary war?
2. Why is it so difficult for third-party movements to succeed in the United States? Did the Populist party ever have chance?
3. If you were an African-American during this period, were your prospects better in the West than the South? What were the advantages and disadvantages of migrating to the West as opposed to staying in the South?