Assignment task:
Part 1: Please watch this video first:
YouTube Video: Perspectives of Cacao Farmer
Goal: Understand the complexity that comes with looking deeper at the context of a situation
Part 2: Written Reflection
Reflect on your experience of being engaged with this podcast. Use the following questions as guiding points, but feel free to take your reflection in any direction that serves you most deeply.
a. Did any of the points Kofi brought up particularly resonate with you? In what way?
b. Were there any aspects of his perspective that rubbed you the wrong way? Why do you feel that is?
c. Can you see how taking off the "Western lens" can allow us to see international development situations in a new way? How does this influence your thinking about situations you're exploring in this class and in other contexts?
d. How do Kofi's descriptions of the complexity of differing cultural contexts add to the perspectives offered for the Module 4 videos?
e. Did this podcast affect your perspective of the "skit" from the Module 4 video about why we eat chocolate?