
Did the employer violate the fmla

Assignment task:

This assignment allows for class discussion on the topics of this module.  Through your class discussions you are allowed the opportunity to share "real-world" examples with your classmates which help reinforce the concepts being covered in the course materials.  Many times hearing/reading about someone's personal experience with a concept makes it much easier to understand.  It also provides material for reference when you are applying this material in your future employment.  

And also, many times when reading the text, most of us, myself included, miss relevant information.  Through the class discussion we can share our "interpretations" of what we have read and as the old saying goes "two heads are better than one".

While an employee and his family were on vacation in Honduras, tje employee's daughter fell and suffered a serious head injury. The daughter was airlifted to Miami for emergency surgery. The employee contacted his employer and was told to take all of the time he needed. He was forwarded and completed an FMLA leave request form. About three weeks later, while the daughter was still recovering, the employee's wife stayed in Miami with the daughter while the employee returned to the family home in Texas. The return was prompted, in part, by complaints to the neighborhood association about the untended yard. However, the employee also made modifications to the house, including adding padding to sharp edges, to make the house safer for his daughter's return. The employee remained in daily phone contact with his wife and daughter until they arrived home about two weeks later. The employee returned to work about a week later, which was also the return date indicated on his FMLA leave request. Two days after his return to work, the employee was terminated. Did this employer violate the FMLA? Why or why not? (Baham v. McLane Foodservice, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 13620)

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