Did the authors present the work in a broader context

Assignment task:

Using Schilthuizen M. 2019. Songs of the city. In: Darwin comes to town: how the urban jungle drives evolution. London: Quercus. p. 180-190.


Wood WE, Yezerinac SM. 2006. Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) song varies with urban noise. The Auk. 123:650-659.

Additional resource:

Slabekoorn H, Peet M. 2003. Birds sing at a higher pitch in urban noise: Great tits hit the high notes to ensure that their mating calls are heard above the city's din. Nature. 424:267-268.

Q1. Did the authors present the work in a broader context that would have applications for more than just birds? If so, how and where in the introduction?

Q2. What were the specific predictions that the authors were testing?

Q3. What was the knowledge gap that the authors were trying to address? In other words, what was the unexplored question in the field that their study would answer?

Q4. Examine each paragraph of the introduction to Wood and Yzerinac (2006), and in a sentence or two describe the topic of each paragraph (a numbered list is fine)

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Other Subject: Did the authors present the work in a broader context
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