In this paper project, you should integrate what you have learned in this class into a descriptive paper touching on as many aspects as applicable that compose Organizational Behavior.
I learned about the personality type
My personality type is ENFP
How to work in the groups
Learning to work successfully in teams means understanding your team members, assessing what works and what doesn't work, adapting to the team dynamics, and showing leadership, as well as, followership skills. Groups, like individuals, function on multiple levels. So, your analysis should include a description of how your group functioned, as well as what you were thinking at the time. Remember, group and human behavior are like an "iceberg" - often what isn't being spoken about is even more important than what you can observe. Also, be sure to comment on the "tasks" and "relationships" that were occurring in your group.
It is important that your paper include examples from what occurring during your group process. This is a reflective exercise in which you will be graded on your ability to examine the group process, including the roles, contributions, and reactions both of yourself and your teammates.
The narrative you write should be on a personal level, rather than a professional level. It is NOT a professional summary of what occurred or "meeting minutes," but rather your understanding, interpretation, and reaction to how your group arrived at a consensus.
Some questions to consider include:
- How did your team function?
- What "role" did you play in your group? The leader How did you interact with others?
- How would you describe your team's "culture"?very
- What worked well and what didn't work so well?Nothing work as we expected
- How was it "decided" which options would be adopted?All the group members
- How did people's "personalities" exhibit themselves (be specific)?
Every one want to lead
- Did some members more have influence than others? yes Why?
- How did your team "communicate" with each other? Really good
- What contributions were most and least valuable?
Most is that we have try to help each other.
- What issues were encountered?
As a leader, I decided tomake everyone satisfied by not giving them orders
- How did you resolve these (if you did)?
I did not
- What did you change or do differently?
- What will you do different in your future group work?
Try to convince the group members about what I think.
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