Question 1: "What is the maximum percentage of alcohol obtainable through fermentation alone? What would that be in "proof"?
Question 2: Did Prohibition reduce alcohol abuse?
Question 3: In about what year did apparent consumption of alcohol reach its peak in the United States?
Question 4: About how much more likely are men than women to engage in frequent heavy drinking?
Question 5: About how many standard drinks can the typical human metabolize each hour?
Question 6: For your own gender and weight, about how many standard drinks are required for you to reach the legal BAC limit for driving under the influence?
Question 7: Alcohol enhances the action of which neurotransmitter at its receptors?
Question 8: What is the typical behavior of a person with a BAC of 0.20 percent?
Question 9: Describe the four groups in the balanced placebo design.
Question 10: What term is used to describe the fact that drinkers tend to focus on the "here and now"?
Question 11: About what proportion of U.S. traffic fatalities are considered to be alcohol related?
Question 12: What is the role of expectancy in males' increased interest in sex after drinking?
Question 13: If alcohol did not actually increase violent tendencies, how might we explain the statistical correlation between alcohol and such things as assault and homicide?
Question 14: Why is it dangerous to drink alcohol to "stay warm" in the winter?
Question 15: If someone you know has drunk enough alcohol to pass out, what are two things you can do to prevent a lethal outcome?
Question 16: Can brain damage be reversed if someone has been drinking heavily for many years?
Question 17: About what percentage of the heaviest-drinking women will have children diagnosed with FAS?
Question 18: What is the most dangerous withdrawal symptom from alcohol?
Question 19: Did the early founders of AA view alcohol dependence as a disease?
Question 20: If one identical twin is diagnosed with alcohol dependence, what is the likelihood that the other twin will also receive this diagnosis?"