
Did it change your perspective in any way on your current

Textbook : Career Achievement [2nd edition] By Karine B.Blackett

Retrospective Activity

As a retrospective activity, select an event or activity that you normally don't do or have not done for a very long time, but something that appeals to you or you are curious about.

For some, it might be going to a classical music concert, a museum, a lecture on a different subject you study, for others might be going to a sporting event, or something as simple as a train ride or a long run. The activity should last approximately 90-120 minutes.

Once you are there, pay attention to the content, observe who is there and note why they might be there.

Observe your emotions, are you interested in it or bored, is your mind wondering away and thinking about other things. Any other feelings, observations you have?

Allow yourself few days to process before writing down 2-3 page retrospective paper on it.

Did it change your perspective in any way on your current life, goals, career direction? Did it leave you with any questions you would like to answer for yourself later?

Personal info, giving some background, my major is hospitality. Currently at Chicago. An example topic of this paper could be not play computer or cell phone for whole day.

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