Chapter 11:
Developing Your Professional Presentation
Chapter 12:
Delivering Professional Presentations
You will create a speech that should be three to five minutes long. You must upload a video of the speech, a transcript of the video/speech (print version), and a short 75-word reflection statement (three separate uploads). In the reflection statement, discuss what aspects of this assignment you found helpful for your future career. Mention some strategies you can use to improve your speech-making abilities.
In preparation for this project, make of a video each time you rehearse. Use the following questions to evaluate your speech:
1. Did I use an extemporaneous delivery style?
2. Did I refer to my notes, but not read or memorize my speech?
3. Did I establish eye contact with my audience before, during, and after my speech?
4. Did I use gestures in a natural way?
5. Did I have appropriate posture?
6. Did I have appropriate facial expressions?
7. Did I vary my facial expressions throughout the speech?
8. Did I speak loud enough to be heard clearly?
9. Did I speak with vocal variety?
Beebe, S. A., &Mottet, T. P. (2013).Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.